My Manifesto

My Magareeshi Manifesto (I love alliteration!):

✴ Create and share things that make the world a brighter place.
✴ Foster deeper consciousness, greater peace, and lots of fun.
✴ Help people understand that leading a natural life, inspired by yoga is easy.
✴ Support meaningful social causes.

It is my intention to be healthy, have loads of fun and live life with a yogic foundation.

In my world sleep, music, yoga and tasty, organic food are absolute necessities.

Loose leaf tea, earrings, steaming hot baths and wine are always fabulous ideas.

Ego is overrated, and being judgmental or mean (to myself or others) is a definite NO.

Being honest and authentic is always necessary.

Fantasizing about being a rockstar is totally reasonable.

Striving to brighten the world is a must.


At the end of the day, LOVEGRATITUDECONNECTION, and LAUGHTER are what really matter.

I aim to joyfully make all my whimsical dreams come to life. I am someone who:               Shares anything good in the world I know of; loves freely on people (and dogs); supports people through yoga, music and natural living; is a domestic goddess of holistic homeyness, a playfully mindful mom, and a solid partner to my indefatigable husband.

Above all else, I try to be kind and happy every day!

I want my life and work to inspire others to live brightly ever after!

Maggie at the Retreat.jpg


✴ I believe in people — we are all born of light and filled with the same goodness.

✴ I believe in the power of yoga, music, words, and glitter.

✴ I believe in being strong and flexible.

✴ I believe kids are capable, creative geniuses deserving of respect.

✴ I believe in fairies, mermaids, Santa, enchanted realms, magic, and spirit guides.

✴ I believe dog noses are actually the bees’ knees.

✴ I believe if we were all truly grateful for our bodies, we could change the world.

✴ I believe organic food is best.

✴ I believe in natural healing, herbal tea, fresh juice and kale smoothies.

✴ I believe in collaboration and connection.

✴ I believe mindfulness is simpler than we make it out to be.

✴ I believe we are our own gurus.

✴ I believe in the language of energy.

✴ I believe in love


DIY Hand & Hard Surface Sanitizer


My (loooong) Story